National Latino Tobacco Control Network
Through collaborations, training, and technical assistance, NLTCN empowers Latinos to engage in tobacco control and build capacity to achieve health equity. NLTCN is one of the six National Networks funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking and Health to serve specific populations experiencing tobacco-related disparities.
If you are interested in helping to raise awareness about health disparities, and you would like to learn more about evidence-based programs and approaches to reduce tobacco use and improve bienestar and health in Latino communities, we hope that you will become an NLTCN member. NLTCN is open to all, and membership benefits include action alerts and newsletters highlighting developments in tobacco control from a health disparities perspective.
For your technical assistance needs, we invite you to connect with the nationally recognized tobacco control and health disparities experts and advocates listed in our National Directory and on our Consultants page. Please see the map below to learn more about organizations represented on our Steering Committee (click on the red dots) as well as other organizations with which we have collaborated around the country. As you scroll on the map, please click on the states highlighted in orange.
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